This striking piece, titled “Amy Winehouse / Amy Jade,” is an original silkscreen artwork by the renowned British street artist “Bambi.” Recognized as “The Female Banksy,” Bambi utilizes stencilled graffiti to offer social commentary and address political concerns, often featuring prominent contemporary figures. Recently gaining international acclaim for her work “Lie Lie Land,” which depicts Theresa May and Donald Trump dancing in a pose reminiscent of the movie La La Land, Bambi’s art has attracted a substantial celebrity following, including Kanye West, Robbie Williams, and Rihanna.
Measuring 83.5cm x 120cm, this XL Blue edition artwork is a five-colour silkscreen print on deckled-edge paper, adorned with hand-applied diamante detailing. Created in 2011 as part of a limited edition of just 35 pieces, each artwork is signed, numbered, and stamped by the artist, accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity.